The outback “Caatinga” is a part of the interior of northeastern Brazil where little rain during the year. It has about 800,000 kilometers , Approximately 10% of the national territory , consisting almost by the states of Piauí, Maranhão, Rio Grande do Norte, Ceará, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Sergipe, Alagoas, Bahia and the northern part of Minas Gerais. The vegetation of the Caatinga is quite diverse with different regions that happen due to rainy part, fertility and the type of soil and relief. There is a division between the savanna hinterlands. The rough is a transitional area between the Atlantic forest and the dry interior. The hinterland has more rustic vegetation.

Many people believe that the caatinga is poor biome because the climate and arid with little vegetation presence. However the caatinga is rich in species of animals and vegetables, many of them endemic. This biome has Important Biodiversity and must be valued and preserved and valued. Were identified Caatinga 44 species of reptiles, birds 695 17 amphibians, and mammals 120 a total of 876 species of vertebrates.

In other Brazilian biomes, the Caatinga has suffered from deforestation and other predatory actions, (hunting and disordered human occupation ). The extensive cattle for example is one of the major problems of currently. If there is no preservation of the caatinga, we have the extinction of many animal species and plants typical of this biome. Another environmental problem which is already occurring due to deforestation, is the increase in the caatinga part turnining desert.

The types of origin of plants from caatinga.

Our Objetive is to make the reforestation preserve and bring back many plants that are almost extinct in the Caatinga. See below the names :


Aroeira, Angíco, Juazeiro, Caroá, Xique-xique, Mandacaru, Palma, Catingueira, Jurema, Carnaúba, Malva Branca, Jitirana, Aveloz, Morfumbos, Pinhões, Oiticica, Algarobas, Imburanas, Marmeleiros, Maracujá do Mato.


Our Oasis in the northeast project demonstrates through applicable technologies is possible to restore and process reversal of caatinga through a reforestation various types of native plants. We have a good area of environmental protection toward a renewable reservation. We want to make a positive environmental impact, reversing all negative action transforming positively.

The nature and very complex and has quite fast regeneration of power according to the modification changes caused by the man or the environment. We will work in harmony with the ecosystem, producing sustainable agribusiness without polluting we will harmonize a practical and objective way to humans, animals and the environment.


Our Oasisin in the outack project demonstrates through applicable technologies is possible to restore and process reversal of caatinga through a reforestation various types of native plants. We have a good area of environmental protection toward a renewable reservation We want to make a positive environmental impact, reversing all negative action transforming positively.

The nature and very complex and has quite fast regeneration of power according to the modification changes caused by the man or the environment. We will work in harmony with the ecosystem, producing sustainable agribusiness without polluting we will harmonize a practical and objective way to humans, animals and the environment.



As the name suggests, this is the tree that produces the cashew fruit that has the face and the taste of the Northeast. The plant has medium size and can reach 15 meters high. Its trunk is twisted and the leaves are oval. The tree is found especially in the coastal rainforests. The largest cashew tree in the world is located in the municipality of Parnamirim, Rio Grande do Norte. Its fruits have great utilities. This tree has important dimensions for shelter is survival of many birds and animals. Its fruits very rich in various nutrients contribute to the good animals. The cashew nut is very valuable in domestic and international market. It has a great taste

The umbuzeiro is a very famous plant in the Northeast. It is found in large quantities in the state Ceará. It fits well in drier regions, has the power to store water internally and can withstand long periods of drought. The fruit of umbuzeiro is umbu. Highly valued in the cuisine of the region. It is marketed from January to April during the rainy season . His first crop has a period of 8 to 10 years. Very rich in vitamins and many other nutrients is worthy of scientific study by the properties beneficial to health.



Plant of the family Anacardiaceae, also known as taperebazeiro, macucu, hog plum, hog plum, hog plum, Mirim, Spondias dulcis, cajá, manga, taperebá, tamacoaré, tamaquare, sawed, cajazeiro tapiribá, acaiamiri, acaíba, caja-small cajá.

The Cajazeira is a big tree and straight stem, can reach up to 25 meters high, bark almost always gray, thick and fissured; leaves are large and comprised between 5 and 9 pairs. The flowers are fragrant, hermaphroditic, its fruit is drupe of 44 mm in diameter, its color is yellow orange, and its pulp is resinous, acid, very fragrant, edible and healthy.

It is also a medicinal plant, because its fragrant bark is emetic and astringent, constituting a great emetic in cases of bilious and malarial fevers it is also anti-diarrheal, antidisentérica and hemorrhoidal.

Its fruit make jellies and various types of candy. Its juice is great, also serving to make ice cream.

Part used: leaves, flowers, roots, fruits, Active Ingredients: vitamins A and C, calcium, iron, phosphorus, carbohydrates, tanóide substance. Active Ingredients, vitamins A and C, calcium, iron, phosphorus, carbohydrates.

Medicinal properties: anti-inflammatory. Anti hemorrhoidal, antiblenorrágica, antidiarrheal antileucorréica, antimicrobial, antiviral, diuretic, stomachic, febrifuge, cardiac tonic. Indications: conjunctivitis, diarrhea, dysentery, erysipelas, bruising, hemorrhoids, inflammation of the eyes, urine retention, cardiac tonic, spasmodic vomiting.

Excellent plant for animal shelter and cooling environment. Adapts easily the climate of the savanna conditions.



The mango is a fruit source of the South Asian region. It can be a typical tropical fruit, it was introduced by the Portuguese in the colonial period in Brazil with great success. The tree that produces the manga called hose. The mango peel is smooth, and the color varies from shades of red, orange and yellow. When ripe, the mango gives off a sweet smell.

The pulp is juicy (good amount of water), sweet and tasty, may be fibrous or smooth depending on the species . It has only one large lump It is a fruit that has a low amount of calories. The Mango is rich in minerals and vitamins C, B5, A and antioxidants. It also has a good amount of iron, magnesium and potassium.

It is consumed fresh and also in the production of juices, ice creams and sweets.

The most common mango varieties in Brazil are: Haden, Tommy, Kent, Keitt, Atkins e Palmer.

In addition, the fruit has many beneficial properties for health, such as: helps purify the blood, diuretic, fights bronchitis, has expectorant effect and combat stomach acidity.

In the Northeast, the mango is grown in all states, particularly in irrigated areas of the semiarid region, which have excellent conditions for the development of culture and achieving high productivity and fruit quality. In 2007 Brazil represented the 7th place in the ranking of the largest mango producer in the world, whose India represented the 1st place.

It is an excellent product sales, sought in domestic and international market.

Gênero: Mangifera
Scientific Classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Phylum: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Sapindales
Family: Anacardiaceae