The sales acquired through agribusiness will be held for the maintenance and preservation of the environmental reserve and protection of animals. Sustainability’s factories. New investments in advanced technologies for plantations, crops, and sales of agricultural products. Payment of employees and social projects that we objective to bring economic and socio-cultural information and development for the region.

We want to transform the Social and Economic Environmental impact negatively to positive offering solutions to many problems faced in different parts of the world with similar situations.


We managed to produce excellent quality peppers. We made a special sauce gourment 100 % natural with no use of pesticides. Various types of Indian chilis, pout, buhut jolokia, trinidad Scopion and carolina reaper, lady finger, tabasco, pepper goat, habanero, murupi and pink pepper. We put a local herb. We obtain excellent results and a unique taste different gourmet sauce unique international quality. No doubt our products will highlight and market acceptance. It will be well recognized by the excellent taste and burning sensation.

We intend to sell the sauces peppers in the international market for Brazilians living abroad and foreign network of large supermarkets.

Pepper and a product that generates a great expectation for the sustainability of this project. It´s promises to maintain a high level of sales. It is different because there are many producers because the harvest is completely manual and hard work. We offer great job opportunities in the hinterland. We’ll be opening windows development for the region.



No doubt the cultivation of cotton and very promising for any market both national and international. Cultivation of cotton in northeastern Brazil is considered in quality as cotton production as the best results in the world.

Our climate and soil are prone and suitable for cotton cultivation. The production will be 100 % Natural where cultivation preserves the soil health, through the use of cultures advanced system (alter the space with other species, for soil nutrients not been exhausted) eliminating the need for synthetic fertilizers the which explains their lower water consumption. There is no use of pesticides because the pests are fought with the inclusion of beneficial predatory species or other plant which is more attractive to these insects and weeds are removed manually and pesticides are despised.

The advantages of colored cotton are numerous. We highlight that brown fibers, has been improved and multiplied by Embrapa Company Brasielira Agricultural Research. Won various shades between the pink and the green, always in soft brown tones. For weavings, this meant eliminating the chemical dyeing and their pollutants discharged into watercourses. For farmers the alternative has given new impetus to cotton. These varieties are more tolerant to drought and grow with little water. Cotton natrual not need to work with mask and gloves when cotton is common, but dispenses protective equipment for spinning and weaving. The 100 % colored cotton does not affect our health. Even in the finish it gives better quality, is a softer product to work, do not have that aggression when working on parts.

All this transformation in the production chain, with the adoption of sustainable practices and perception of environmental, social and health is possible thanks to the differentiated price guarantee paid by the 100% natural cotton and colorful. The cotton that is born brown dispenses the chemical dye and does not fade with time. It offers higher productivity pest resistance. Not only need large rain small amount of water is sufficient to maintain production. Wired various shades of beige and brown can get many textures. In looms weavers come to differentiate the natural colored cotton by touch given the softness.Countries like Italy and France, USA and Japan are the biggest buyers of this vast market.

We will be developing a line of feminine and masculine clothing, as well as bath clothes developed with the best fashion designers. This partnership will be very important for the development of our project.


The Oasis project in the Hinterland believes it will be possible through special techniques to produce a sustainable gourmet coffee in soil full of caatinga. Generating genuine production opportunity for domestic consumption or for the international market.

Coffee is the drink of choice for most Brazilians. Brazil is the world’s second largest consumer behind only the United States. Here is produced 1.3 million tons of coffee per year about 30 % of the world market.

Sustainable coffee has emerged as the product of good market acceptance, both internal and external The higher added value has attracted new producers to adopt this production model.

Sustainable production in coffee production takes into account the social, environmental and economic aspects, encouraging longevity of the activity and the implementation of worker recovery routines.

The production chain of sustainable coffee follows specific regulations, with recommendations for planting, crop care, harvesting, storing and roasting. Environmental dimension, with the adoption of practices to ensure the preservation of water resources, biodiversity and air quality.

Regulating the use of pesticides and fertilizers must be fulfilled in addition to the proper management of waste, which can be used for the production of bio-fertilizers.

Coffee continues with high penetration and strong presence in Brazilian homes , with sharp growth in consumer packages.

 The research from Euromonitor hired by ABIC, continues to show a high penetration of coffee among consumers. Over 80 % of surveyed households have coffee. Faced with the crisis, the behavior of consumers has varied with respect to the brands and types of coffee.


It is known as queen of tropical fruits, the mango has good retail sales potential for its attractive appearance, with different shapes, colors, smells and flavors result of plant breeding to occur spontaneously in the field and generate new varieties.

One of the first fruits introduced here, soon after the discovery of Brazilian lands mango today has Brazil as its third largest global producer. Only India has a sleeve production greater than Brazil. The fruit was brought by the Portuguese colonizers. It is very commercialized in the domestic market and highly appreciated worldwide, the mango is also exported to various destinations, mainly to Europe, Japan and the United States.

Among the most common mango varieties and sold in the domestic market, the best known are: bourbon, beef heart, keit, haden, adam, extreme and more rustic, as Carlota, sword, coquinho and rosinha, and several known regionally Tommy atkins and palmer the best for export are considered.

One of the oldest and most common varieties is the Brazilian mango sword, presents tree is very vigorous, high size and very productive. The fruit is bright green or yellow-green, medium-sized (about 300g), with smooth and thick bark. The pulp has a lot of fiber and yellowing. It has regular flavor for good (around 18º Brix) and has a prominent place in the internal market.

The mango Brazil has the domestic market as the main source of production. Even with the large increase observed today, our mango exports have not yet reached 10 % of the total produced in the country. In the domestic market, the mango is sold almost exclusively in fresh form, although it can also be found in the forms of full juice and frozen pulp. The pulp can be used in the preparation of jams, jellies, juices and nectars, and can be added to ice cream, mixtures of juices, liquors and other products.


The acerola (Malphigia glabra L.) is a plant of the West Indies and cultivated on a commercial scale in Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Jamaica and Brazil.

Acerola is a fruit most appreciated in Brazil. With a content of vitamin C a hundred times greater than the orange, acerola has aroused the interest of many consumers and, consequently, has been a great choice of crop for farmers. Very positive point from the acerola cultivation in Brazil are the soil in perfect conditions for agriculture, permiting the country to be featured in the world production of fruit “in natura”

Acerola is well known for vitamin C that has However it is still composed of vitamins A, B1 , B2 and B3 and several minerals essential to the proper functioning of our body, such as iron, calcium and potassium. Take food and refreshment made of acerola or even fruit itself aids in combating and treating certain health problems such as influenza, anemia, stress and infections of the lung and gums.

The cultivated area in Brazil is estimated at about 10,000 hectare especially Bahia, Ceará, Paraíba and Pernambuco which together hold 60% of national production. Most acerola fruit orchards is formed with seedlings from seeds. So have great genetic variability in productivity, color pulp yield flavor consistency and fruit size.

An important factor that encourages producers to invest in acerola cultivation is the domestic consumer market booming. The Brazilian consumer has become more aware of the importance of natural food for human health and today many consume more fruits. Commercially it is one of fruits very sought in the general market.


The cashew tree is a Anacardiaceae family plan, and it’s kind of greater economic importance to Anacardium occidentale L. Brazil is the fourth largest producer of cashew nuts being preceded by India, Mozambique and Tanzania. However, as regards the export of nuts. The Brazil is the ranks third.

The cashew nut is considered the main commercial product of the cashew tree. It has high economic value, including the very high consumption in various forms of menus from world cuisine, with demand mainly by developed countries, continues to grow. There are favorable prospects for expansion in the domestic market with product diversification, improving the quality of production and application of traceability, since the industry estimates that approximately 15% of almond production irect to the consumption of the Brazilian population.

The cashew cultivation represents great socioeconomic potential, especially for the Northeast Region.

Cashew cultivation as the extraction and processing of brown, integrate a traditional supply chain in northeastern Brazil, with record of the same for over 50 years. The activities of extraction and cashew processing have great potential for job creation, both on the farm and in agribusiness. The generation of income and are important as the demand of international markets for various types of nuts. The chestnut harvest is a manual activity. So it requires intensive hand labor, the same as the steps of selecting and cutting the nuts. Also in agribusiness is required manual labor to help in steps working with machines.

The cashew nut is not easy to be found everywhere. It has a nutritional value and is very attractive, northeastern Brazil is one of the best places favorable to farming. We want to invest in this follow-up and obtain very successful in sales and reforestation of the savanna.


In recent years, the Brazilian agricultural sector has been increasingly incorporating their new activities crop species, and also expanding to other regions, crops that were previously produced only in places that have climate characteristics and favorable soil.

Among the various types of fruit, there is the guava, which every day is more sought after and appreciated. The culture of guava in Brazil on a commercial scale is developed from north to south, being among the world’s leading producers. This great interest in guava is due to the fact that fruit is one of the main raw material processing industries. Although the consumption of fresh fruit is still higher than in industrialized products, sales of processed products are increasing every day in the Brazilian market.

The production of guavas allows various forms of exploitation of the fruits produced. When grown under irrigation, can produce more than one crop per year. Therefore, it is a culture that offers good results, not only to the domestic market but also in the export market, with good prospects for business with Europe and North America. Denmark, Canada, Sweden, the Netherlands, Germany and especially Britain and France, have already importing Brazilian guavas for consumption “in natura”. The market has given signs that occur also large exports of pulp and fresh fruit for these countries in the coming years.

Guava stands out among tropical fruits, for their excellent quality, which can be attributed to some important factors. Its high nutritional value, as one of the best sources of vitamin C, high content of sugars, vitamins A and B complex, and contain good levels of phosphorus, iron and calcium; excellent organoleptic property, by having a moderate characteristic flavor. High digestibility and high yield per hectare; and industrial pulp with high capacity, enabling their multiple uses, for example for candy, fruits in syrup, fruit jellies, nectar, base for ice cream and beverages and syrups.
It has a fantastic market for sales.


The wine industry, grape and wine production, is an activity conducted and appreciated by man for thousands of years.

The grape production involves a wide range of activities throughout the production cycle. Demand enough technical knowledge of the producer or the assistance of a professional with proven experience.

Fine wine grapes and table include varieties of Vitis vinifera L. species of European origin, which are susceptible to fungal diseases and highly demanding in cultivation.

Seedless grapes or seedless are very appreciated for consumption to natural. Note the complete absence or presence of only traces of seeds in the fruit. They are generally of the species Vitis vinifera or hybrids of this species with others.

The criteria determining the optimum point of ripeness for grapes for winemaking, in order to obtain maximum quality, are the measure of sugar content, the combination of the measure of sugars and acids or sugars and pH.

The grapes are rich in carbohydrates and vitamins such as thiamine, riboflavin and vitamin C. The minerals are calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, and higher amount of potassium.

The national production of table grapes is intended for domestic and international markets. The production of wine, grape juice and derivatives market is concentrated in Rio Grande do Sul, where they are produced 300 million liters of wine as an annual average, accounting for 95% of national production.

The Brazilian market, despite our exports, is grape importer and its derivatives. There is therefore space for new producers expand the domestic supply, since the efficiency and quality parameters are observed.

Let’s get right in the backcountry a grape quality par excellence and produce a different wine for quality in winemaking, the origin of the Oasis of the Hinterland. Our wines are produced in high standards in quality and excellence. We will make a wine 100% natural. Searching all the elements necessary to raise the maximum content level in differentiated production.


The Para’s chestnut is a special food that contains many properties that benefit our health, being rich in some important components for the proper functioning of our body, such as fiber, calcium, protein, iron, potassium, selenium, vitamins, folic acid and zinc. Studies researcher Felipe Santos Nunes, the graduate program in Analysis and Modeling of Environmental Systems from the Geosciences Institute (PMI) show that the extraction activity-nut Brazil is also an effective alternative to prevent the destruction of Amazon rainforest.

According to Felipe Nunes, the data show that the extraction of Brazil nuts, when performed with the necessary subsidies, is profitable and contibui for the preservation of the Amazon rainforest. He explains that as income to the beneficiary or certified nut is bigger, the collectors need not necessarily rely on other activities during the year after the extraction period to increase family income, such as livestock and agriculture.

The fruit has a high concentration of fat, but which is not harmful. “They are good fats, monounsaturated (same as olive oil) and polyunsaturated. Because of this it has antioxidant properties” According to the professional this means that there is a combat inflammation in the body and cells work much better without accumulating fat.

The result a nut thin the body stays fit and blood circulation happens in a much more healthy way, preventing cardiovascular disease. It is also suitable for vegetarians since it is a source of protein. The amount of calcium and magnesium this also ensures perfect bone synthesis and does very well to the bone. And as if that were not enough, also helps in the proper functioning of the thyroid and brain.

More than all this, the nut stop prevents cancer by being a source of selenium, a mineral that produces the antioxidant glutathione peroxidase, important to combat free radicals and eliminate toxins from the body. “Studies show that there is a relationship between the amount of selenium in the diet and cancer risk. The less selenium increases the risk of cancer.”


Passion fluit (Tupi mara kuya, “fruit that serves” or “food in the bowl”) is a fruit produced by plants of the genus Passiflora (essentially the species Passiflora edulis) of Passifloraceae. The tree name is also known as passionflower is spontaneous in tropical and subtropical areas of America.

Cultivated also for its ornamental flower (like the other species of the same genus), the passiflora edulisé cultivated for commercial purposes due to the fruit, the Caribbean, southern Florida and Brazil which is the largest producer and consumer of passion fruit. The commercial use passion fruit is round or ovoid, yellow or purple-dark when it is mature and has a lot of seeds inside

The fruit is used especially to produce juice or passion fruit pulp, sometimes mixed with the juice of other fruits such as oranges. It is popularly known as the fruit of peace. The passion flower is pollinated primarily by large bees, popularly known as carpenter bee.

The passion fruit source of vitamins A, C and B complex also exhibits good amount of minerals (iron, sodium, calcium and phosphorus).

Its use as a sedative is known since antiquity, though this is not its only use, it can be used as a soothing, hypnotic, soporific and toning (DHAWAN, ET 2004)

The passion fruit oil has a very wide application in the cosmetics industry. Creams, shampoos, lotions, oils, soaps, etc. The oil can also be used both in human and animal nutrition, and in the paint industry, soaps, and other foods. While the cosmetic product passion fruit oil base, this assists in post-peeling regeneration and helps to soften and moisturize dry skin

Products passion fruit oil base provides relaxing and relieving sensation, also against stretch marks.
Commercially is a doss most consumed fruits and sought after in Brazil mainly for their delicious juice.
Source of funds and good looking great market profits.


Of African origin, aloe belongs to the family Liliaceae and is similar to the cactus. It is also called caraguatá, aloe vera herb and aloes. When grown, produces 15 to 30 leaves per year. They are fleshy, firm and brittle, with a viscous liquid and soft. In the end, after leaves have filled edges of thorns. One must be careful not to cut yourself.

The stench that oozes aloe vera can ward off the most sensitive. But the plant has excellent properties suitable for the aesthetic treatment, in addition to being on a unique drug to relieve skin problems such as acne and burns. Plant with herbal function, aloe vera has more than 300 species, but aloe vera is the one that has higher value of marked.

Today, aloe vera is increasing exports in the Brazilian market.

The plant cultivation does not require much work; planting is the main care to be taken with the culture. The largest producers are the interior of the states as São Paulo (particularly the municipality of Jarinu), Santa Catarina and the Northeast.

Aloe is possible to obtain various products of cosmetic and medicinal use because it is a great bactericidal, healing and is able to rehydrate the hair and skin. But the plant, which remains over ten years in production.

The cultivation follows the line of organic farming and all that is collected goes to the cosmetics sector industries, where the plant is used to produce shampoos, conditioners, creams and many other products. The aloe is known for moisturizing properties and in the treatment of burns and skin diseases.


Citronella is A plant that grows all year, grown in Southeast Asia. Found in plantations in Indonesia and round.

This plant is rich in substances Citronellol (Citronellal) 85%, limonene and geraniol, which make it exhales a citrus odor much like Eucalyptus, thus allowing use in its essence:
It is a plant is repellent when its aroma or its format is able to scare away insects. In the case of Citronella is considered repellent plant and strong odor it gives off by air, especially if placed downwind, amazes insect.

Its appearance is very similar to Lemongrass, its leaves are long, and in some species the edge of the leaves are cut, so use protection at harvest time. One of the differences between the Lemongrass and Citronella beyond odor, generates dry leaves that are rolled into their base. Another feature is the color of the base in Citronella is also darker changing from green to purple It is an ally in the prevention of Dengue, Malaria and Leishmaniasis. In Indonesia this plant is used in liquid treatment retention to increase the sweat and release toxins, expectorant, constipation.

Citronella, by virtue of their aromatic properties, is widely used in health food market, particularly in the manufacture of citronella oil. This oil is widely used as an insect repellent, property attributed to the presence of substances such as citronellal, eugenol, limonene and geramiol.

It is important to know that the power of citronella repellent can even ward off the mosquito that transmits dengue, Aedes aegypti, is therefore an option for protection against the disease. Apart from oils, incense sticks and candles are used also as repellents citronella, citronella is also used for perfumery and cosmetic purposes. In folk medicine, it is used as anti-inflammatory and antirheumatic.


Fruit of the most popular in the world, lemon, in their most varied types, reservation rich nutritional sources for our health. Versions most consumed in Brazil are, Tahiti, cloves, Galician and Sicilian. Get to know the characteristics of each one and its benefits.

One of the most powerful fruits used in food, both sweet recipes like savory, the variety of lemons comes approximately a hundred species worldwide. Rich source of vitamin C, food is an important ally to our health. Therefore, we selected the four most widely consumed types in Brazil to present their features and benefits.

Tahit i- is less acid and more found in the country. To identify it on the market is easy. The bark is thin and is one that has few seeds, more rounded shape. To be quite juicy, it is ideal for lemonades and drinks as caipirinha.Cravo or bumpkin. It has very distinctive flavor and is also known as pink lemon. Lemon peel is very good option for meat and salad dressing.

Galician – Is that “lemon” smaller, with thinner bark and light green, well-rounded shape. But do not be fooled by the size, though small is very juicy. The acidity is not very strong, which makes this type suitable for a wide variety of recipes. Ice cream, sauces, seasoning, drinks, sweets and juices.

Siciliano – This is the “true” lemon! The world’s oldest, is also known as Eureka or Lisbon. Its bark is yellowish and very thick, and its shape is elongated. It is not very juicy like the others, and its flavor is very acid, which makes it ideal raw material for sauces and saborizar full of personality dishes like risotto. It has a search in an extraordinary market. And excellent chance of sales.


Spirulina Arthrospira P’lantesis is a natural dietary supplement more complex diet adopted by NASA. It is currently known as a natural dietary supplement more NASA complex. It has one of nutritious combinations ever obtained in qualuer other food. It reconhecido by NASA as surper future food with numerous benefits to human health, and has overcome many results in research.

Spirulina is a multicellular plant that originates from the family of blue-green algae is so called because of its spiral shape. As the plants, it grows in rich alkaline water in minerals, capable of photosynthesis.

It is one of the first life forms designed by nature more than 3.6 million years ago. Spirulina contains an evolutionary wisdom in its DNA and is the result of the first form of photosynthetic life on earth.

The Spirulina is one of the largest sources known protein reaching up to 70%. Rich in vitamin B12, from about 3 micrograms per gram. It is also well known with a higher amount of beta-carotene extremely important nutrient with a powerful antioxidant and is often converted into our body as provitamin A. Spirulina provides a variety of other essential nutrients, such as vitamins E, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, K1 and K2 and minerals such as calcium, enough iron, phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, zinc, selenium, copper, chromium and potassium. betacarotene (major oxidant that protects the body against the evils of free radicals) phycocyanins a blue antioxidant that strengthens the body’s resistance to pursue free radicals that damage and age the body. Polysaccharides. Increase production by antibodies body. Studied for several years in Japan, France and USA, spirulina is hailed as one of the greatest discoveries in the field of power this century naturalist. Its high nutritional value quenches protein needs and completes almost all food needs of our body. In pursuit of a healthy and beneficial food, world food organization, promoted spirulina as a more beneficial supplement existing health and complete in nature. NASA besides making analysis in its food program, adopted as a supplement source for its astronauts from the 80s until the present.



SPIRULINA is displayed against Tiredness and stress due to busy lives nowadays and bad food. Fatigue can become almost inevitable, causing discouragement, malaise, fatigue and stress. Reaching even to physical and mental exhaustion. In these cases is quite indicated the use of spirulina, because its protein complex. To restore normal levels of energy and purification of toxins to the body, generating power and nutritional supplements needed by the body. Besides vitality and a more healthy lifestyle. The doctor J.L. Vidalo Hippocampus Institute explained that the molecular structure of phycocyanin is almost similar to that of erythropoietin, the heart of human hemoglobin. It allows the body to conserve oxygen reserves inside the red blood cell and gives it a more comfortable operation even in high stress situations.

Great energy and food supplement the use of Spirulina, is excellent for bodybuilding practitioner, athletes and vegetarians. natural supplement a very rich source of vitamins and minerals and can reach up to 70% protein. Assists in the exercise generating energy, eliminating fats, regenerating muscles. Significantly increases muscle mass. Take away the tiredness, pain, shapes the body in a healthy way. Cleans toxins, replenishes nutrients to the body generating more force and disposition.

Benefits of spirulina for people of the 3rd age, usually the elderly have a very large deficiency in the nutrients due to strict diets or digestive problems. Thus the body is more fragile before the natural wear of the organs and not be a balanced enough food. Spirulina to contain enough protein and rejuvenating properties, easy to be absorbed. It is rich in vitamin-B12 that fight anemia, fatigue, depression and lack of memory. Generates vital energy to the welfare of the individual. It has a high concentration of calcium essential for growth and maintenance of strong bones and teeth.

It is also important for healthy nerves and good circulation. Spirulina also helps in fighting arthritis, high cholesterol, diabetes type 2, liver problems, anemia, high blood pressure. Besides you can replace safely meat. Regular use prevents enough degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s bad, and Parkinson’s, and other miscellaneous more successive diseases in the 3rd age.

Spirulina assists in losing weight for people on diets Spirulina feed contributes significantly to the replenishment of nutrients such as proteins, vitamins and minerals. It helps to lose weight considerably for its slimming agent such as fenilalaminine, chlorophyll, and polysaccharides present in the stomach generating feelings of being well sated by inhibiting appetite and acting against localized fat. Nurturing the body without showing signs of weakness. Of course every weight reducer helps better with sustainable diet and good exercise

Prevention against cancer. The potent antioxidants in Spirulina is believed that it may help reduce the risk of cancer. Spirulina results and anti-tumor effects in laboratory studies with mice. in 2009 a team of Chinese research, published in “Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy” suggest that in combination with selenium could help prevent breast cancer. Furthermore, studies have found that base can have a significant effect on liver cancer, reducing the incidence of tumors in the liver from 80% to 20%. Jian-Hong Li of China showed that polisscarídeos of spirulina are many effective and enters the many functions that can perform highlighted the enhanced immunity, stimulation of hematopoietic unspecialized cells, inhibition of tumor and Hela cells.

Spirulina is antioxidant. Function by which slows the aging of cells. Offering longevity, quality of life and health. Gaydou of France highlighted the antioxidant (anti-aging) of spirulina because of its content and phycocyanins alocianinas. Are key properties to combat the action of free radicals that causes poisoning and aging of cells.

Fights infections. Acts against infections also have healing properties and anti-inflammatory. Laboratory studies have found that it helps in the destruction of bacterium and viruses. A. Belay United States of America said spirulina can regulate the immune system favorably increasing macrophage activation, the activity of T cells and the activity of naturally destructive cells. It also showed that Spirulina increases the production of gamma-interferon, which can possibly inactivate viruses which water extracted from Spirulina have an antiviral activity against HIV-1 (human immunodeficiency virus) and the simplex herpes virus (HSV-1) and that the sulfated polyanionic polysaccharides of spirulina are also potential candidates to HIV microbicide. Respiratory health. Several studies have found that spirulina can help provide relief for persons suffering from respiratory diseases. A 2001 study published in the “Journal of functional foods found that only 1 gram of spirulina daily can help improve lung function. Improves the immune system. The Spirulina was shown to stimulate the production of antibodies against the pathogenic organism which affect the immune system. Animal tests confirm that it can fight infections and chronic diseases by stimulating the immune system. Protection of liver. Preliminary studies on animals showed that Spirulina helps protect the liver cons inflammation, decrease the accumulation of fat also protects against damage and toxic metals such as lead and mercury Type 2 diabetes Spirulina can help treat type 2 diabetes decreases systemic inflammation, which can help reduce resistance to insulin. heart health. Spirulina can improve cardiovascular health in a variety of ways. It helps to improve the operation and life of the heart. Inhibits hypertension and increase elasticity of blood vessels. Lowers blood pressure.

It has been quite effective against hypertension and atherosclerosis and that the accumulation of fat in the arteries plates. Also, it can change the lipid profile and increase HDL “good cholesterol”. Health Brain – The antioxidant properties present in spirulina help fight stress in the brain and thus help in reducing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases. It provides relief of sensations and well-being and relieves symptoms of depression.

Eye Health – Studies have shown that espirula may contain compounds that help prevent eye disease age-related degeneration and eye, including cataracts combat.

Spirulina prevents iron deficiency and pernicious anemia. It is rich in vitamin B12 and have enough iron spirulina and natural food with extraordinary properties against anemia. Corrects bad formation of red blood cells, and stimulates ma formation of cells and creates new blood. Often people have vegetarian vitamin deficiency can cause anemia by making an unbalanced vegetarian diet. Iron deficiency anemia is caused by iron deficiency in the blood. Pernicious anemia characterized by a reduction in the number of red blood cells also caused by lack of vitamin B12.

Diseases caused by chemotherapy. Spirulina is overcoming diseases caused by chemotherapy with nutritional supplements in various countries like USA. Italy, China, and Japan Patients with cancer who are undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy, which greatly affect the immune system, can benefit from the use of transfer factor supplementation. The transfer factor supplementation serves to protect the body from “opportunistic” infections that commonly occur during such treatments. Scientists in China have also shown that spirulina extract increased the level of white blood cells and nucleated cells and DNA in bone marrow of rats that had undergone chemotherapy and radiation.

The spirulina extract. Additionally, increased the level of red blood cells. The authors concluded that spirulina “has protective ability chemo and radio protection, and can be a potential adjunct to cancer therapy.” Dr. Duane Townsend, former director of gynecologic oncology at the Hospital LDS in Salt Lake City, USA. They have all their cancer patients treatment with transfer factors to boost the capabilities of their immune systems to respond to any health challenges. the cure for cancer institute information.


– Protein, a portion of it is 5.5 servings of milk.
– 5 Servings of eggs,
– 20 Spinach
– 50 Carrot.
– In vitamin A, one gram of spirulina is equivalent to:
– 3000 Grams of milk,
– Grmas 400 eggs,
– 100 Grams of spinach
– 50 Grams of carrot.
– In iron, a portion of it equals to
– Milk 1000 until
– 300 Eggs until
– 200 Spinach
– 1200 Carrot.
– Having from 58 to 70% protein
– 28 x iron than beef liver.
– 4 x More protein than Red Meat
– 12 x More calcium than cow milk
– 24 x More antioxidants than green tea,
– 8 Times more carotenes than carrots, the carotene of tonality to larranja color.
– 1 Spirulina grass in protein equivalent:
– 18 Grams of milk
– 5 Grams egg
– 20 Grams of Spinach
– 50 Grams of Carrot
– 1 gram of Spirulina is equivalent to up to:
– 1 liter of milk,
– 300 g of eggs,
– 200 grams of spinach
– 1200g carrot.

We want to make public in the domestic market spirulina. Benefit children and people who have a high rate of malnutrition. Make the population be informed of the powerful benefits it brings to human health and animals.


Cassava is a root of the species Manihot Esculenta, has high energy value (100 grams has 150 calories). They have minerals (calcium, iron and phosphorus) and vitamins B complex has a thin shell brown in color, and the inside is white. From January to July is the cassava harvest period.

Cassava flour is an essential component of the diet of the population, especially the North and Northeast regions. From the root of the cassava flour are produced.

According to the region of Brazil it has different names: cassava, aipim, castelinha, macamba and others.

Cassava flour is widely used in Brazilian cuisine. The tapioca is a food of indigenous origin, is produced with cassava flour. The polvillho is also produced from cassava.

Brazil occupies the second position in world production of cassava, with 12.7% of the total. In 2016, the prices received by producers from São Paulo industrial cassava are the highest in the last five years, reflecting the severe drought plaguing the Northeast region for over a year.

The cassava flour and consumed heavily in Brazilian cookery participating how important source of carbohydrates in the diet. In some regions where social economic conditions impose restrictions on a balanced diet this source of carbohydrates has maybe as a single source of nutrients for consumption. And a more aggressive food to combat malnutrition. It is used in various types of cookery, is accompanied mandatory beans and barbecue and crumbs. It is a food rich in carbohydrates and fiber, and when full, contain a little protein, calcium, phosphorus, sodium and potassium.

The flour manufacturing technology is simple, but requires some care in its development. The selection of suitable raw material, hygiene and care throughout the manufacturing process, are key factors to ensure a quality product, the quality of life of workers and environmental protection.

We will manufacture gum or starch, essential to make tapioca . Some of the healthiest food, free of chemicals is essential in cooking of northeastern Brazil. We will also use cassava for animal feed. We will manufacture a very balanced diet and high in nutrients and beneficial uses for birds and animals.


The sugarcane is known for its unique characteristics: a thin cylindrical shape plant, large leaves and can reach up to six meters high. It is with it that makes two products essential to the world economy: sugar, essential part of the human diet, and alcohol used in alcoholic drinks such as rum, wine and beer, or as fuel for cars, too known as ethanol.

We wish to produce a small factory brown sugar, natural product of excellent essential demand in food.

We will also make a manufactory of natural vinegar from sugar cane. Product widely consumed quite salable in self-sustainable income source.

We will plans to make the best cachaça in order to expand into the international market. We will produce a pure premium cachaça unique and differentiated 100% organic content.

The Brazilian cachaça export market is still relatively small, with only 1% of the 1.2 billion liters produced annually in the country is exported, resulting in revenues of US $ 19.2 million per year.

Currently only 9% of exports go to the United States, which is in fourth place in the ranking of countries that import Brazilian cachaça, losing to Germany, Paraguay and Portugal. Other countries that import the product are like China, Italy, Uruguay, New Zealand and France.

Our rum was recognized as a genuinely Brazilian product by the United States. This means that now the term rum figure as a new category of alcoholic beverage industry.

Caipirinha (mixture of rum, lime, sugar and ice) became feeling among Americans rather consumed with satisfaction and good taste.


The creation of captive fish began with the Sumerians around 3000 BC In ancient Egypt around 1700 BC , and food, were made studies observing the behavior of fish in baked clay tanks. The Egyptian priests could predict droughts and floods of the Nile River, the basis of all its civilization, observing behavioral changes that the fish had.

The fish can be found both in the form of marine fish farming as freshwater fish.
According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture – UN/FAO, while the global demand for fish grows at a fast pace, the capture fisheries expansion possibilities are heading for extinction of some species.

Given this reality of scarcity of fish, then comes the creation of captive fish (fish), both fish for food as decoration for aquariums. Estimates that the only way to ensure fish production to feed the world population will be met via fish farming

A fish breeding company should be designed with professional vision, from the embryo project, which will require an objective assessment of the form of action, as well as the commercial expectations that this type of project requires.

In many parts of northeastern Brazil missing option to purchase fish consumption due to lack of rain and low river levels. Demand and very big plus supply does not meet the population.

Our design comes with the purpose of showing that this situation can be changed with deep well drilling. And using advanced methods. We will make the conservation of 25 species of endangered fish. We will also create the best eating fish considered the most nutritious in the world that fits the need of the region.

Add to the project a freshwater shrimp breeding. The marketing and great market demand. It is a product easily accepted and important to the region.


The freshwater fish called Tilapia is popularly known with the same name. Scientific name redbreast tilapia.

The Tilapia lives slow waters of lakes and dams. It is adaptable to salt water. The Tilapia is a fish that feeds on insects, microcrustaceans, seeds, fruits, roots, algae, plankton and small fish. The reproduction occurs from six months old, and spawning may occur more than four times a year. How to protect the offspring, the species survival rate is quite high.

The Tilapia is a fish scales with body a little high and compressed. It has silver green olive color with black vertical leftovers. The color of the dorsal fin is also olive with a red and white line to dark gray with oblique points. Already the caudal fin is scored on the dorsal, red or yellow portion in the ventral portion. It can reach 45 cm in length and 2.5 kg.

Tilapia is a delicious fish that has a wide range of health benefits, including its ability to help reduce weight, increase metabolism, accelerate the repair and growth throughout the body, build strong bones, reducing the risk of various chronic diseases, balances levels of triglycerides, prevent arthritis, protect against cognitive decline, prevent various types of cancer, reduce the signs of aging, improve the health of your hair, and strengthen your immune system.

Tilapia is highly valued as a source of seafood due to its many qualities, which are attributed to its wealth of nutrients. such as vitamins and minerals, including significant amounts of proteins, omega-3 fatty acids, selenium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin B12, Niacin, Vitamin B6, and acid pantothenic.

Tilapia is critical to the growth and development: One of the most important aspects of Tilapia is its impressive protein content, making it more than 15% of our daily need. It is one of the most indicated fish to combat malnutrition. I highly recommend to regions presenting lack of enough food for the population.

– Andira, Anjira
– Henochilius whetlandii
– Bagre, Jundiá Rhamdia
– Jequitinhonha Bagrinho Rhamdia microcephaa
– Cambeva Itacarambiensis
– Canivete Characidium lagosantensis
– Cascudo Delturus parahybae
– Cascudo Hemipsilichthys mutuca
– Cascudo Pogonopoma parahybae
– Ituí Stermarchorhynchus britskii
– Joaninha Crenicichia jupiaiensis
– Pacu-prata Myleus tiete
– Piabanha Brycon devillei
– Piabanha Brycon insigni
– Piau Leporinus thayeri
– Pirá, Pirá-Tamanduá Conorhynchos conirostris
– Piracanjuba, piracanjuva
– Brycon orbygnyanus
– Pirapitinga Brycon nattereri
– Pirapitinga, Pirapitinga-do-Sul Brycon opalinus
– Surubim Steindachneridion amblyura
– Surubim Steindachneridion scripta
– Surubim-do-doce Steindachneridion doceana
– Surubim-do-paraíba Steindachneridion parahybae
– Steindachneridion parahybae


Brazilian farmers have in creating freshwater shrimp an option to make the management of crustacean anywhere into the country. Without limiting the coastline, the practice in ponds allows the spraying activity from inside the country, reducing logistics costs and getting more competitive prices for sales of the product in the local market.

Small producers with little experience even can benefit from the creation making it a source of extra income. Dealing with freshwater shrimp does not have many requirements and their management can be performed on farms, provided they have adequate conditions such as space for a water environment and water temperature above 20 °C for at least six consecutive months.

In captivity, it is common to use ponds dug 11com natural background of land, an area in which the crustacean lives and also feeds. Without efficient drainage system, dams and weirs are discarded options, because they need to be emptied to make total fish removal-removal of all shrimp at the end of the fattening period.

However, if you do not have the property, the construction of tanks should be provided, and the work will imply a recovery of the capital invested for the long term. Flat land with clayey soil and availability of water and quality are other important factors for successful management.

The creation of the crustacean also has good adaptation to the integrated farming fish, diversifying production and expanding market opportunities for entrepreneurs.

In polyculture, the freshwater shrimp still consumes part of the waste generated by fish and feed scraps, without the need for specific food in nursery three to six shrimp per square meter.

Between five and six months, the shrimp reaches 25 to 30 grams, ideal weight to start marketing. Post-larvae, the result of development of eggs in two months, is another product that serves to supply new creators. Currently, the most suitable for captivity is the shrimp of Malaysia (Macrobrachium rosenbergii), which has lighter taste compared to brine shrimp. Also known as crayfish and freshwater lobster, has outstanding production in the states of Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.

Add to the project a freshwater shrimp breeding. The marketing and great market demand. It is a product easily accepted and important to the region. And we can be special in size and flavor through a feeding spirulina base. We fantastical results using as supplementary food for shrimps.


Since the beginning of mankind honey produced by bees has been used by man, both to sweeten food and to improve the remedies. However, only in 1851, Langstroth an American beekeeper formed the basis of modern beekeeping with the discovery bee space, which is 6 mm to 9 mm, allowing the bees work on both sides of the comb, without harming their activities. This beekeeper was responsible for the invention of the American hive, widely used worldwide, to the present.

Although honey production is the economic foundation of beekeeping currently beekeeping is also for agricultural pollination and the production of propolis, pollen, royal jelly and bee venom. These products serve as raw material for pharmaceutical, food and cosmetic industries. Moreover, they are also quite popular for fresh consumption.

Brazil is a great power rating, because it has special features in favorable environment and climate. However, Brazilian productivity is still reduced compared to the international production. The low productivity of Brazilian beehives is explained by the low use of technological resources in production. This market is valued at 360 million dollars, with the number of beekeepers has increased 4.5% in the last ten years, according to estimates of the Brazilian Confederation of Beekeeping.

The Brazilian apiculture market has high growth potential and is on the rise phase. Previously, the production of Brazilian honey was almost all destined for the domestic market. Recently, external factors ended up benefiting the national beekeeping, making happen a surprising increase in exports.This happened when the world’s largest exporters, China and Argentina, had vetoed their exports for reasons of health order.

The benefits that honey can have for society are the medicinal properties primarily, which are effective against the proliferation of bacteria and in the prevention of diseases like bronchitis. Honey is sweet and has a huge amount of mineral salts that participate in various metabolic reactions in the human body, and vitamins are some of these minerals, essential for good health. As proteínas também estão contidas no mel e são quebradas em aminoácidos para a formação de energia e produção dos músculos. We are located in a 100 % favorable environment for the production of honey with high quality and taste. Our vegetation is entirely conducive to production of special hive. We can sell in the domestic and international market. Product sales will be one of the very important factors for the maintenance of the project in all aspects.


Creating goat is considered one of the great financial alternatives for survival for the northeastern people. Due to climatic conditions and favorable adaptations of animals to the region.

Goats is considered the salvation of more than a million families in the northeastern backlands. During the dry season, when it is common to suffer losses in cattle herds and crops, the goats are still there, firm and strong, eating bark and dried leaves and producing milk (goat milk has more nutrients and is easier to digest for those with lactose intolerance). Besides the meat much appreciated in the Northeast and highly nutritious milk, farmers also benefit the skin.

The goat is more present in the Brazilian agriculture, winning and keeping new markets for goat milk and its derivatives. Among the products of this activity are: pasteurized milk, ultra pasteurized (UHT) milk, sterilized milk, powdered milk, yogurt, ice cream, pastries and cheeses. However, as the product offer has grown, competition in the market is also a reality, demanding greater efficiency of all components of the production chain.

To create goats you need basically good animals, comfortable facilities, to facilitate the management, and good food. But also you need to decide on the marketing of milk will be made by selling the raw product, or to do the processing on the property. If you choose processing, you will have to choose which products intend to produce, if only milk for fresh consumption or also their derivatives, and how will the distribution. In addition to dairy production, the people can invest in the genetic improvement of his flock, aiming market matrices and breeders to other breeders.

In planning, the location of the project is of great importance. This, strategically, enables the growth of sales of all dairy products and also live animals. So, time to plan, think about the importance of proximity to consumer centers, good access to roads and ease of acquisition of inputs.

The main differences between the goat and cow milk are in fat and proteins, which have a direct influence on the performance of cheese making, and enhance its nutritional value. We will herd of goats selected for breeding sales.

They will be treated with natural treatments, selected the best species. No doubt goats are one of the best herd option that easily adapted dry northeastern region of Brazil.


Goat’s milk is an excellent alternative. People allergic to cow’s milk, children and the elderly, as well as religious groups, consume goat milk powder or “in nature”. Also gastronomy is widely used goats milk in the preparation of dishes and delicious sauces, not to mention the production of products. Cheeses, yoghurts and other dairy products. The cosmetics industry also has a whole line of products based on goat’s milk. There is a varied and attractive yet unexplored market. It is the only milk which continues with its nutritional properties after six months of production.

The goats are one of the best animals in the world to adapter the Northeast of Brazil. They are of great importance and value.

Some dairy European breeds that more has stood out.

SAANEM: White, haughty, the largest producers of milk, largest and most demanding food consumers. Lactation period of 8 to 10 months, at least 3 kg of milk per day. fertile female, often get two kids by pregnancy, sometimes three . It requires containment system and good care.

TOGGENBURG: Brown Coat gray ( hairy or not ) and white stripes on the face. More rustic than Saanem , good reading (2.0 kg ), good breeding , usually have twins. Live well in both systems.

PARDA: Colorful brown and black, a little smaller than Saanem, more rustic and also good producers of milk. For 8 to 9 months usually give 2 kg of milk per day. GOURMET CHEESE GOAT MILK, Anglonubian: animals dual purpose (milk and meat), colored hair, big ears, nose general acarneirado mochas. It produces 2 kg of milk per day for 7 months. Children go to slaughter in 3 months already 21 kg. The cheese is one of most foods in the world, due to the concentration of proteins, fats , vitamins and salts. As a definition, cheese is a protein-fat concentrate resulting from the coagulation of milk.

Goat’s milk is an excellent raw material for the manufacture of cheese. The bean curd texture, macaroni and cheese itself is pleasant to the touch, and his very white, becomes cheeses with special and beautiful participation.

Let’s make goat cheese in a gourmet kitchen luxury. We will work on a line of smoked cheeses. They are differentiated by the ingredients and the manufacturing process. We will be recognized and highlighted by the excellence and quality of our products in Brazil and international market. We will use natural medicines in our animals, based on medicinal.